This culture is designed to take you down. Credit cards, car loans, student loans . . . they'll keep you paying way too much money for way too long. But there's one way out of the mess of debt, and it starts right here with you. You can change your future today by joining our Financial Peace University class. You'll learn God’s ways of managing your money to be able to pay off debt fast, save more money, and build lasting wealth.
Class starts on Wednesday, February 21st at 6:30 PM, so register today!
(Please register by February 13, 2024)
There will be a children's class taught by Lisa Carter available on Wednesday night.
The full price is $80. (Church members pay $40.)
Register for FPU below.
What’s Included in a Financial Peace University Membership?
Every membership includes access to:
Financial Peace University and other money courses
The premium version of the EveryDollar budgeting app
Unlimited live Q&A financial coaching sessions
Free federal tax filing
And so much more!
Contact Wade Allen if you have more questions. Email: