We partner with families to equip them on their journey of faith with Jesus. And we have a lot of fun in the process! 

On Sundays at 10 AM we have options for children from ages  birth - 12 years old. 

A Nursery is available for all children ages 3 and under.

A nursing mother’s room is available in Room #7.

Children will be dismissed at the beginning of the sermon to their classes. Wee Worship is for ages 4 - 7 and meets in Room #2. Jr. Church is for ages 8 - 12 and meets in Room # 1.



A 4-Week Series from the Gospels on Jesus' Early Life & Ministry.


What’s your dream job? Do you want to be a pilot or astronaut? A teacher or musician? There are so many incredible jobs for us to pick from! God has given each of us special talents and skills that can help us discover what we want to do. But God gives us another job, too. It’s the chance for us to follow God right now! In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll read about Jesus starting out His ministry and how He invited His followers — and us — to listen to God’s voice, trust Jesus knows us, trust God’s plans for us, and include people who aren’t like us.

REMEMBER: our JANUARY memory verse is: 

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NIV) 

What we are learning in february

WOW: A 4-Week Series from the Gospels on Jesus' Miracles.

Whether it’s a rocket car powered by soda and mints or a tornado in a water bottle, there’s so much in our world that can fill us with awe. The world of STEM is full of things that look like little miracles, but they’re nothing compared to the miracles God can perform. 

In this four-week series, kids will take a look at some of the miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry. Through stories showing the power of Jesus, they’ll no doubt go, Wow! Jesus has the power to heal, to calm our fears, to provide, and to save.

REMEMBER: our FEBRUARY memory verse is: 

”In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.”  (1 Chronicles 29:12b NIV) 

SCUBA VBS 2024!!!

We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for a wonderful week of VBS!!! 

Visit the VBS page to see pictures and video from the week. 


Check out our Kids Ministry on Social Media! 
